
A Dog at the Zoo? - A Real Life Silver Lining Story

Created by Sarah Kathryn Frey

In this heartwarming story, you can see the zoo in an entirely new way—through the eyes of a dog. Will Alice Eloise make unlikely friends, from lions, to tigers, to bears? Oh my, it's sure to be quite the adventure! Readers will follow along as Alice Eloise encounters a number of people, all of them in need of a reason to smile—so she steps in and becomes a silver lining for them. This book holds beautiful animal illustrations kids will love, paired with a one-of-a-kind story of sweet friendships between a dog and everybody she meets - regardless of species! Follow Alice Eloise on her mission to spread joy everywhere her paws take her.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

So Much News
over 1 year ago – Mon, Oct 16, 2023 at 11:00:29 AM

Hello, dear backers!

Oh, where to begin? So much news. Well, for starters, the books have indeed arrived! I wish I could wholeheartedly celebrate this with you, but unfortunately the printer experienced major quality issues, and our books have defective foil on a large percentage of the covers, necessitating a reprint. We are currently working with the printer to arrange for them to pick up the defective books, as well as to engage a high level of quality control on the reprint.

As disappointing as this is for me, my number one feeling is that I feel so sorry to delay order fulfillment for our Kickstarter backers. You have been so very patient as we work to make this book the best it can possibly be. I appreciate that more than you can realize. The printer says that worst case scenario we will receive books in early November. Whenever they arrive, we will be working hard to make deliveries quickly so that you can finally read this story that is so close to my heart. The good news is that the books that don’t have issues are absolutely stunning! I know you will love them!

In other news, I have a new family member. Meet Adaleigh Jane!

I do believe that Addie is heaven sent. Perhaps a certain red Double Doodle asked God to send her my way? I miss my sweet Alice Eloise so very much. Nothing is more healing than puppy love . . . and this pup has a lot of love to give. From her floppy red ears to her waggly white-tipped tail, she has me entirely smitten!

Thank you, again, so very much for your patience.

With love and Doodle kisses 🐶💋 -

Sarah Kate and Angel Alice Eloise (and now baby Adaleigh Jane, too)

Sweet Alice Eloise - The Love of My Life
over 1 year ago – Sat, Sep 02, 2023 at 05:41:37 PM

Alice Eloise—my best friend, my favorite silver lining, my loviest pup—has gone to heaven. I don’t have words . . . I miss her so very, very much. She was always right there by my side. As my service dog, she took such good care of me. Even while she was sick these past 5 months, although it was my turn to take care of her, she was still looking out for me. No matter how she felt, she was ever attentive, aiming to please and giving countless Eskimo kisses. Thank you to everybody who loves my sweet, silly puppy dog. It means the world to me that Alice Eloise is so loved, and that she has friends all over the world. She was truly a friend to all. My forever best friend has quite a legacy; I know she will always be remembered. And I will always tell her stories. You are the love of my life, Sweet Alice Eloise!

over 1 year ago – Mon, Aug 07, 2023 at 09:37:39 AM

Hello, friends! We wanted to stop by with a quick update for you. We are excited to share that A Dog at the Zoo? has officially gone to print! And the printer says we should have books in just a few weeks! You may recall that we experienced an unexpected delay when our printer shut down to commercial projects for a few months. That said, my illustrator and I have taken that extra time to polish this book to be the very best it can be. Thank you, truly, for your support and patience. After working on this book for over two years, we are so looking forward to sharing it with you very soon!

With lots of love and oodles of Doodle kisses 🐶💋

Sarah Kate and Alice Eloise

Just Stopping by with an Update!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Feb 25, 2023 at 06:27:57 PM

Hello, dear backers! We wanted to give you an update on the status of our book. We are SO CLOSE to completing the illustrations and design! Yay! We were actually right on track to meet our estimated delivery date of April. But as is so often the case with book production, there has been an unanticipated hiccup that is unfortunately extending our timeline a bit. It turns out that our printer completely halts production on new commercial projects this time of year in preparation for yearbook season. We were faced with 2 options: Either rush to complete and submit our files by mid-February, or have a new estimate delivery date in the summer. Ultimately we went with the latter option. We hate to report that there will be a delay, but believe that you would agree with our decision to prioritize quality over speed . . . After pouring so much love and time into this book, it simply did not make sense to risk errors by rushing just to get the books 3 months earlier.

It is such a delight seeing our hard work coming together so beautifully, and we are really excited for you to see it . . . Even if it is a bit later than we originally hoped!

Thank you so much for your understanding, and for all your support!

With lots of love and oodles of Doodle kisses 🐶💋

Sarah Kate and Alice Eloise

PS If you haven’t had an opportunity to complete your backer survey yet, you can follow the link below to provide all the details we need to know so we can get your order to you when the time comes! THANK YOU! 

Click Here to Find Your Backer Survey!

about 2 years ago – Wed, Nov 30, 2022 at 05:46:45 PM

Our backer surveys are officially on their way! The surveys will be going out gradually, so in the coming days you should be receiving an email with your survey. It is very important that you fill this out, as it is where you will provide us with your mailing information and everything we need to know to fulfill your order once the books are printed. As always, please reach out if you have any questions at all! (And if you do not receive a survey, please send me a message so we can get you taken care of.) Thank you so very much, friends!

With lots of love and oodles of Doodle kisses 🐶💋

Sarah Kate and Alice Eloise