
A Dog at the Zoo? - A Real Life Silver Lining Story

Created by Sarah Kathryn Frey

In this heartwarming story, you can see the zoo in an entirely new way—through the eyes of a dog. Will Alice Eloise make unlikely friends, from lions, to tigers, to bears? Oh my, it's sure to be quite the adventure! Readers will follow along as Alice Eloise encounters a number of people, all of them in need of a reason to smile—so she steps in and becomes a silver lining for them. This book holds beautiful animal illustrations kids will love, paired with a one-of-a-kind story of sweet friendships between a dog and everybody she meets - regardless of species! Follow Alice Eloise on her mission to spread joy everywhere her paws take her.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

70 Books to Donate and Counting! + Stretch Goal #4: PLUSHIE DONATIONS!
almost 2 years ago – Fri, Oct 21, 2022 at 01:42:25 AM

Hi there, friends! Thanks to all of you, we are up to 70 books to donate and counting! How amazing is that?! And we are very excited to announce our next stretch goal: If we reach $12,000 earned, we will be able to donate plushies along with all of those books! I really hope we can make this happen. Please help us spread the word so we can spread as many silver linings as possible! Thank you so very much for all you are helping us accomplish!

With lots of love and oodles of Doodle kisses 🐶💋

Sarah Kate and Alice Eloise

Announcing Stretch Goal #3 . . . Which Is Not So Very Far Away!
almost 2 years ago – Tue, Oct 18, 2022 at 11:31:31 PM

We are less than $500 away from unlocking our next stretch goal! Thank you so much for bringing us this far during our first 2 weeks on Kickstarter! With our first book, a stretch goal allowed us to add extra pages to the back of our book . . . And are we ever glad! It has been so gratifying to hear kids and adults alike share how much they have valued this added educational material and the “story behind the story.” And so, we are excited to share that our next stretch goal would allow us to do the same! Readers could look forward to learning more about the real-life service dog team, and what it’s actually like to be a dog at the zoo!

Thanks again, friends! We could not do any of this without you. We are excited to see what we can accomplish during the remaining 2 weeks of our Kickstarter!

With lots of love and oodles of Doodle kisses 🐶💋

Sarah Kate and Alice Eloise

Stretch Goal #1 Unlocked! + What's Our Next Goal? + Alice Eloise Is First Page News!
almost 2 years ago – Sat, Oct 08, 2022 at 03:04:02 PM

We are thrilled to announce that we have reached our first stretch goal! We will now add blue foil details to our cover! Next stretch goal: If we reach $10,000,  we will donate a book for every $100 raised beyond our goal. We would be starting with 30 books to be donated . . . Hopefully that number will only grow from there! So let's "Be Somebody's Silver Lining" and work toward those donations!

In other news, Alice Eloise made the front page of the newspaper today! We love having opportunities to share our story in our community, so we are very excited about this new interview in the Intelligencer. Follow this link to read all about us and why we do what we do!

Thank you all so very much for you have done to support our mission! We quite literally couldn't do this without you!

With love and Doodle kisses 🐶💋

Sarah Kate and Alice Eloise

Our Tails Are Wagging! - THANK YOU!!!
almost 2 years ago – Thu, Oct 06, 2022 at 12:19:53 AM

Our tails are wagging! Thank you SO MUCH to all of you for backing and sharing our Kickstarter! We are very, very excited to announce that this morning officially reached our initial goal, all in thanks to you! So what happens next? Just because the project is funded does not mean the campaign is over. The party will just keep on going until November 3! Any additional funds will go toward that big print run, as well as stretch goals to make the book even better and share it with more people. Let’s see if we can hit that first stretch goal! If we reach $8,000, we will add blue foil details to our cover! Thank you, again, for loving our mission so much. We are overjoyed to share this story with you!

With lots of love and oodles of Doodle kisses 🐶💋

Sarah Kate and Alice Eloise

Thank You for a Magical Launch Day!
almost 2 years ago – Wed, Oct 05, 2022 at 01:07:42 AM

Wow! What a wonderful launch day this has been! Thank you, truly, to all of you who have backed our project and helped us spread the word! We are so excited to see where this campaign month will take us. Stay tuned, it's going to be so much fun!

With love and Doodle kisses 🐶💋

Sarah Kate and Alice Eloise